來源: 加拿大
CoQ10(輔酶Q10)是一種輔酵素,幾乎存在於身體每個細胞內。它的主要功能是協助能量生產,令細胞能快速修復和再生,並幫助身體把氧分和營養輸送到各個器官部位。輔酶Q10會隨著人體組織需要而產生不同的功能、人體心臟細胞對輔酶Q10需求量是最大的。臨床實驗證實,心臟衰竭患者持續一年每天服用2mg/kg的CoQ10後,心肌功能大有改善,相關的併發症如肺水腫亦有減少 。
成份: 輔酶 CoQ10 (200毫克)
數量: 60粒
- 促進及維持心臟及血管健康
- 支援週邊血液循環
- 增加心臟肌肉的功率及收縮力
- 提高攝氧量和血流量
- 增強體力和耐力, 改善疲勞
- 預防皮膚老化, 減少皺紋及修復膠原蛋白
- 降低發炎指數
- 有助改善偏頭痛
一般建議使用方法及用量: 每天1-2次, 每次1粒, 餐後服用
Origin: Canada
CoQ10 is a type of coenzyme, existing in nearly all cells in the body. It mainly assists in energy production, increasing the metabolism rate of body cells, hence allowing the rapid transmission of oxygen and nutrients to various organs in the body. CoQ10 exhibits different functions depending on the human structures, and human heart cells demands the highest amount of such coenzyme. According to clinical researches, with a daily consumption of 2mg/kg of CoQ10, patients with heart failures showed great improvement in their cardiac muscles after a year, and complication rates such as pulmonary edema also reduced.
The ability of the human body to produce CoQ10 reduces due to poor eating habits, stress, illnesses, aging and more. Athletes who consume CoQ10 even experience stronger explosive force. CoQ10, when used together with vitamin B6, can also increase the immunity of the body. Apart from this, the sufficiency of such coenzyme in the body can maintain the functionality of muscles, and speed up the metabolism of fat in obese patients.
Ingredients: Coenzyme CoQ10 (200mg)
Quality: 60 capsules
Promote and maintain health of the cardiovascular system
Promote blood circulation
Increase cardiac contractility
Increase blood oxygen uptake and blood flow unit time
Improve strength and endurance, avoiding fatigues
Prevent skin aging, reduce wrinkles and restore collagen
Lower inflammation index
Reduce migraines
Remarks: 60 capsules
Recommended dosage: 1-2 times a day, 1 capsule each time, consume after meals
此日期前最佳: 30-06-2024